· OUR FUTURE - Volume 1 - issue 2 zine
Remember those (old) rosie tinted days when you would find yourself being awoken by the satisfying plop of an unexpected parcel arriving through your letter box? Those joyous carefree toilet visits leafing through your yellowing stacks of punk periodicals? The innocent excitement of a sparkly new pin badge, patch or screen-printed tartan bumflap?
Rejoice! Thanks to the latest time travelling technology (aka being a stubborn luddite) you can now turn back the clocks and receive the next three issues of OUR FUTURE hot off the press every 4 to 6 months for the meagre sum of £10 postpaid in the UK
in addition to a small saving on the individual issue price and having the zine arrive on your door mat without all the hassle of fiddling with the Paypal Subscribers to the zine will also receive extra content (patches, posters, pin badge, perhaps even t-shirts cd's or cassettes over time) not available to the one issue warriors.
Furthermore, and all joking aside, by taking out a subscription you will be offering me invaluable support, saving me from rounding up customers each time an issue is ready to print and allowing me to spend more time on research, interviews and generally delivering the best possible product for you, the discerning punk rock devourer!
If in the unlikely circumstance that I am unable to deliver on my promise of future issues to due to circumstance beyond my control a refund equivalent to the number of outstanding issues will be returned.